Arizona Certified Caregiver Practice Exam 2024 - Free Certified Caregiver Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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Why are faxed orders from doctors preferred over telephone orders?

Orders are more legible

Orders are faster to communicate

Orders include the doctor's signature

Faxed orders from doctors are preferred over telephone orders because they include the doctor's signature. This signature provides authentication and verification that the order is indeed coming from a licensed healthcare provider, ensuring the accuracy and legality of the instructions given. This extra level of verification is essential in healthcare settings to prevent errors and misunderstandings that can potentially compromise patient safety. Options A, B, and D are not as critical as having the doctor's signature for authentication purposes. Legibility, speed of communication, and immediate confirmation are important but do not carry the same level of significance as the doctor's signature in ensuring the validity and legal compliance of the orders.

Orders can be confirmed immediately


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